Two Paths to USDA-REAP Eligibility
Both Rural Small Businesses (breweries, car dealerships, hotels, warehouses, coffee shops, retail stores, etc) and Farms are eligible for REAP.
01 | Rural Small Businesses
Are you Rural?
Check the USDA-REAP Rural Eligibility Map to make sure the project address is located in an eligible rural area.
Are you Small?
That depends on the industry you’re in.
Use the SBA Size Standards Tool to find your industry and see if your revenue (or employee count) puts you in the “small” category for that industry.
02 | Farms
Farms have no size or geographical restrictions. You can be a huge farm. You can be an urban farm. You do not need to meet any of the “rural small business” requirements.
However, those applying as a Farm will need to prove that more than 50% of their household income comes from the sale of agricultural products. If this is not the case, your farm business then will need to be considered eligible as a “rural small business," and apply that way.
Still Unsure if You’re Eligible?
We can guide you with some basic questions using our REAP Eligibility Walkthrough Tool.
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