Files Needed
This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers 99% of scenarios.
We call the five circled items below your “Ready-to-Go” files. These are the files we need in order to start building your final application pages (though we still need all files to submit a complete application).
BLUE items usually provided by Energy Installer
Basic needs for all renewable energy projects:
Energy Bills (12 months, required if available)
Proof of Matching Funds
Lease/Deed/Proof of Property Ownership
3 Years of Tax Returns (if they exist)
Installer Proposal
Energy Generation Report
Overhead Map
Site Photos
Equipment Datasheets
Proof of $/kWh (Rate Schedule, PPA, etc.)
Sample Interconnection Agreement** (some states don’t require)
Additional needs if total project costs are >$200,000:
Past/Current/Pro Forma Financial Statements
Technical Drawings/Engineer’s Drawings
(PE-stamped if >$1M)
When you engage Lightshed for grant writing, the applicant business and their energy installer will each have a separate file upload area. (An applicant’s sensitive business information will not be shared with their installer.)
Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects are a little different, and require an Energy Audit to be completed. Check out our audit template at